Thursday, August 12, 2010
Launch Date Update.
Robots! in 3D is moving it's launch day to Mondays. Start your week off right with a little dose of 3D comic.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Issue #2 Page #2 - Getting into the swing of things
Sometimes finding the right timing is more difficult than finding the right words.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Issue #2: Anti-meridian
Adam and I are pleased to announce that Robots! Issue #2, Anti-meridian, is now online. This week's update includes our new 3D chapter cover and page 1 of the new issue. Make sure you get to check them both out. Also, head on over to our Facebook group where we are holding a give away! The first three people to correctly answer our trivia question will get their own FREE 3DiY kits. With two glasses per kit, we're giving away six total! Got any feedback on the completed Issue #1? Leave a comment and let us know what you think.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Concept art: A taste of things to come
Robots! in 3D Issue #2 will begin next Friday, but until then enjoy some brand new concept art! This sketch features a character that will be introduced next issue and will become a major player in the Robots! in 3D universe. I am very much looking forward to drawing him into the storyline.
Looking for some things to satisfy your Robots! craving until next week? Click the jump for some ideas.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
3D glasses dress!
How awesome is this 3D glasses dress? Each one is custom made to order by Nicole Lindner via request in her Etsy store. If (or when?) Adam and I take Robots! to a convention, I'm totally going to have to have one made for me to wear behind the booth. It's the kind of thing Ms. Frizzle would wear to explain stereoscopy!
In that same vein, I tried to come up with an idea of other outfits inspired by Robots! in 3D. I went and put together a hodgepodge of a set of robotic/space-agey/red-blue items on Polyvore:
It would be so awesome to see someone coming down the street toting all of this! And I would love to modify those red sunglasses into a pair of really sweet 3D specs. If you had to pick an outfit that encapsulates the theme of "Robots! in 3D" what would you choose?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Issue #1 Complete!
Today's the day! With the addition of page 21, Issue #1 is now online to read in it's entirety. Start from the beginning here.
Issue #2 launches on Friday July 2nd, and keep an eye out in the interim for some exclusive sneak peeks of the upcoming issues. And also stay tuned to find out how you can win your own free set of 3D glasses.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Sometimes all it takes is the magic word - Robots! page update
Page 20 is now online! Just one more to go until the end of issue #1! Adam and I have been cranking the last few weeks getting started on issue #2 and we have a lot of exciting things planned. So until then, enjoy page 20, and when you're done, check out some of these awesome vintage robot photos I discovered on Flickr:
Photos via the Vintage Robots Photo Pool on Flickr
Have you found any especially awesome robot photos recently? Send em our way (robotsin3[at]!
Friday, June 4, 2010
When it makes that noise it is never a good sign - Robots! page 19
A new Robots! page is up today. We're just two more weeks away from the end of issue #1! Also, for all of our readers in the Bay Area, be sure to check out Stan Heller's talk about the history of 3D comics at the Cartoon Art Museum this Sunday (June 6th) from 1-3pm. The CAM is a great museum and we've been trying to find the time to see Heller's work in person for a while now. So, if you attend and see us (we'll be the couple sitting in the front completely geeking out), say hi! We'd love to hear from any fellow 3D enthusiasts.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Do you use the Navgo or does the Navgo use you? Page 18
Robots! page 18 is now online. Share the news with all your friends! We're fast approaching the end of issue #1 and I couldn't be more thrilled. We've got a lot of awesome treats for you coming up, so stay tuned!
Also, Adam and I were watching this last night and it seemed very apropos to share it with the update today:
Watch At Hulu
Watch At
I love it when people get robot costumes just right! Next time I find myself in possession of a bunch of old air conditioner tubes I'm totally going to make one for myself.
Also, Adam and I were watching this last night and it seemed very apropos to share it with the update today:
Watch At Hulu
Watch At
I love it when people get robot costumes just right! Next time I find myself in possession of a bunch of old air conditioner tubes I'm totally going to make one for myself.
Seriously, retro robots are truly grand.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Page 17 Photoshop Stereoscopic How-To
Page 17 is now up - check it out! As we wind down this issue and start working on the next we've been tweaking our production pipeline to see what we can change to make our process faster and easier to control. Adam happened upon a new 3D technique last night that accomplished both of those goals. Read about his findings here.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Nano-Intelligence and Other Speculations - Robots! page 16
Page 16 just launched this morning and I do hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. We only have five more pages left in Issue #1 and I just put the finishing touches on the artwork for the last page yesterday afternoon. The story is starting to get moving and I'm excited for the places we're going in the next few issues. That Lester Graves sure is an interesting character, huh? There's more to come of him in Issue #2, so keep your eyes peeled!
Friday, May 7, 2010
The End To All Human Inefficiencies - Page 15
Leonard tries to finish his work while Leo packs, but something bigger is brewing outside of their farm house. Read about it in page 15.
Also we have some new features on the website today. Keep an eye out for a new Facebook "like" button and the ability to leave comments on each Robots! page. Got something to say? Let us hear it!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Wondercon! in 3D: The Wrap-up
Adam and I knew that if we wanted to really start taking this webcomic thing seriously, we needed to experience the world of comic conventions first hand. Neither of us had been to one before and we were both very curious. Luckily Wondercon in San Francisco was coming up pretty quickly, so we bought our tickets and then decided to figure out a plan of attack. After a lot of research and brainstorming, we decided that the best thing to do was to just go to have fun and get a feel for the scene. We wanted to meet some people who were also creating their own comics and if we got to promote Robots in the process then all the better. We assembled an eager street team and set off early Friday morning (click the jump to read more).
Friday, April 2, 2010
Wondercon! and Robots! in 3D: The Live Blog
Jump the link to see all the sights, tweets and news about Wondercon through the eyes of the intrepid Robots! in 3D street team.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Wondercon here we come.
The Robots! in 3D street team will be at Wondercon at Mosone Center tomorrow. We will be live blogging the whole experience as well as launching the latest page from the Wondercon floor. So don't forget to check out the blog tomorrow to see what sort of geekness is going down at Wondercon 2010!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wait!!'s page 9 time...
What's lurking in the barn? A new character perhaps? Read Page 9 to find out!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Robots page 7 update
Robots! page 7 is now up for viewing. He's finally tracked down the the location of the weird noises, but what's making them? Tune in next week to find out!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Page 6 Now Online
Robots! page 6 is now online. What's making the crazy noises out in Leonard Walker's fields? Stay tuned!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Page 5::Enter Leonard Walker
The next page in everyone's favorite anaglyph webcomic about robots has dropped. Page 5!
Dont' forget to check back next week more suspense.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Robots! page 4 now online
Things are moving smoothly and this week's page is now live. Adam and I are going to work on getting some awesome anaglyph promo materials made this week (maybe even this afternoon if we can really get our acts together). If you want a pack of Robots! swag to hand out in your area, or if you have any really brilliant promo ideas, drop us a line - we'd love to hear from you.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Robots! in 3D launches today
Welcome everyone! Today is the official launch day for Robots! in 3D. If you already have a pair of 3D glasses handy go ahead and start reading! Otherwise you can make your own following these tutorials. If you don't have any of the required materials to make some glasses or if you can't see 3D do not fret! You can also read the comic in 2D. Just go to the comic page and click the little purple button that says "2D" on the bottom. All the pages will now appear in 2D.
We love feedback so let us know what you think! And be sure to check back next week for the next page!
We love feedback so let us know what you think! And be sure to check back next week for the next page!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Make your own 3D glasses - Part 2
After such a successful effort to make our own 3D glasses last week, Adam and I wanted to come up with another alternative glasses-making method for people who don't happen to have lighting gel samples around the house. We found this tutorial on Instructables that used red and blue sharpies and overhead transparency sheets to create 3D glasses lenses and decided to investigate. I have to say I was pretty skeptical at first, but with a little patience, the Sharpie method is actually quite effective!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Make your own 3D glasses

Friday, January 29, 2010
This is the home of the new blog for the Robots! in 3D webcomic by Sarah Clark and Adam Sax. Follow us here to find out news and updates about the comic, website, or advances in 3D technology! Enjoy!
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